Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential

* Smart but Scattered Teens: The Executive Skills Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential Û PDF Read by ^ Richard Guare PhD, Peg Dawson EdD, Colin Guare eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Smart but Scattered Teens: The Executive Skills Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential Excellent resource for parents of teens with ADHD or ADD As a clinical psychologist I regard this as one of the best resources for parents of teens. This helps parents to look at the teen with ADHD as having some executive skills impairments that need remediation and understanding. Parents also rate their own executive skills and can try to be a better fit in parenting these adolescents. There are many constructive suggestions in this book and I highly recommend it.. Excellent look at the unusu

Smart but Scattered Teens: The

Author :
Rating : 4.47 (838 Votes)
Asin : B016J62LB4
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 336 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-04-23
Language : English


Excellent resource for parents of teens with ADHD or ADD As a clinical psychologist I regard this as one of the best resources for parents of teens. This helps parents to look at the teen with ADHD as having some executive skills impairments that need remediation and understanding. Parents also rate their own executive skills and can try to be a better fit in parenting these adolescents. There are many constructive suggestions in this book and I highly recommend it.. "Excellent look at the unusual child" according to ChefCVG. I have a kid who's gifted & in gifted classes. Understands high level concepts, but can't figure out how to organize his locker or manage to turn in his homework - even though he's completed it. It's been bandied about maybe he has autism or ADD, but those didn't fit. This book describes him to a T. Not having the frontal lobe of his brain maturing at the same rate as his peers is a simple, logical explanation & the ensuing ways to deal are enlightening & helpful. This book was a god-send. It was suggested by his gifted teacher after she spent time with him.. bootsie said This is a bit advanced for the average teenager.. This is a bit advanced for the average teenager. Whom I bought it for. So I read it on occasion and have found the info to be helpful, but it's not the kind of book I'd read front to cover

If you're the parent of a "smart but scattered" teen, trying to help him or her grow into a self-sufficient, responsible adult may feel like a never-ending battle. Richard Guare and Peg Dawson are joined by Colin Guare, a young adult who has successfully faced these issues himself. Now you have an alternative to micromanaging, cajoling, or ineffective punishments. Learn step-by-step strategies to help your teen live up to his or her potential now and in the future - while making your relationship stronger. Additional supporting documents for this title are available for download after purchase.. Executive skills experts Drs. This positive guide provides a science-based program for promoting teens' independence by building their executive skills - the fundamental brain-based abilities needed to get organized, stay focused, and control impulses and emotions