Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy (Cistercian Studies)

Read * Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy (Cistercian Studies) PDF by # Terrance G. Kardong OSB eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy (Cistercian Studies) This volume also includes the first English translation of the Regula cuiusdam Patris ad Virgines, or the Rule of Walbert, compiled by the seventh-century Count Walbert from various earlier rules designed for women, including those of Columban, Benedict, Cassian, and Basil. Columban was a sixth-century Irish monk who compiled a written rule of life for the three monasteries he founded in France: Anegray, Luxeuil, and Fontaines. Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy contains a

Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy (Cistercian Studies)

Author :
Rating : 4.38 (944 Votes)
Asin : 0879072709
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 272 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-08-04
Language : English


To his much-acclaimed translation of and commentary on the Rule of Saint Benedict, Kardong can now add his translation of the Rule of Monks, the Cenobitic Rule, the Penitential Rule, and the Rule Walbert. A must-have for anyone interested in monastic studies.". "Kardong is America's foremost scholar on monasticism in general and on monastic rules in particular. In both, we see Kardong's wit and scholarship at their best. Especially helpful is his introduction and copious footnotes. Kardong's translation, based on both French and English sources, as well as on his own prodigious knowledge of Latin, is first rate

This volume also includes the first English translation of the Regula cuiusdam Patris ad Virgines, or the Rule of Walbert, compiled by the seventh-century Count Walbert from various earlier rules designed for women, including those of Columban, Benedict, Cassian, and Basil. Columban was a sixth-century Irish monk who compiled a written rule of life for the three monasteries he founded in France: Anegray, Luxeuil, and Fontaines. Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy contains a new English translation of a