The Star Beast

* Read ^ The Star Beast by Robert A. Heinlein ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Star Beast Madam, the commonest weakness of our race is our ability to rationalize our most selfish purposes. Heinlein dramatizes two age old questions with this work - What does the individual owe his group, family, friends, nation, etc.? What does the group, family, friends, nation, etc. owe the individual? These contrasting rights/duties create a marvelous story!For example- the wise old man says;Your son is a man; you have no moral right to keep him an infant.”“What a wicked thing to

The Star Beast

Author :
Rating : 4.60 (649 Votes)
Asin : 1501238094
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 230 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-06-08
Language : English


Go figure.                        --Shelly Shapiro, Executive Editor . My very favorite book (and one that stands out in my mind--and with much affection--to this day) is Tunnel in the Sky. I really, really wanted to go off to explore new worlds with a covered wagon and horses, like the hero does at the very end of the book. From the Publisher Like many people, I go way, way back with Heinl

. Heinlein (1907–1988) is widely recognized as one of the greatest science fiction authors of all time, a status confirmed in 1974 when the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America gave him their first Grand Master Award for lifetime achievement. A four-time Hugo Award winner, Heinlein is best known for works including S

Lummox is not exactly the family dog. Just how deeply will be tested when Lummox’s restless appetite starts a chain of events that turn his relationship with John Thomas upside down—and puts first John Thomas and then the Earth itself in peril. Still, he’s been part of the Thomas clan for generations, and his current owner, John Thomas Stuart, XI, cares for him deeply. Big as a triceratops but more exotic in appetite—he once ate a used Buick—"Lummy" has a decided penchant for trouble. Scorchingly funny, politically acute, yet deeply human, The Star Beast remains one of Robert Heinlein’s most beloved novels.

''Madam, the commonest weakness of our race is our ability to rationalize our most selfish purposes.'' Heinlein dramatizes two age old questions with this work - What does the individual owe his group, family, friends, nation, etc.? What does the group, family, friends, nation, etc. owe the individual? These contrasting rights/duties create a marvelous story!For example- the wise old man says;''Your son is a man; you have no moral right to keep him an infant.”“What a wicked thing to say! It’s not true; I am merely trying to help him and guide him.” Mr. Kiku smiled grimly. “Madam, the commonest weakness of our race is our ability to rationalize our most . Durable Heinlein tale--one of his best Heinlein's "The Star Beast" remains one of my all-time favorites. Ostensibly a juvenile novel at the time it was published--what we'd call a "young adult" novel these days--there is very little violence; likewise for the sexual content, which is all typically by reference and non-lascivious innuendo where it gets mentioned at all.Some of Heinlein's other young adult novels haven't aged well--"Rocketship Galileo" comes to mind--but 60+ years later, "The Star Beast" still holds up. Very little of the technology references feel anachronistic by today's standards, so your 11-year old n. "Timeless Heinlein: Careful of spoilers in the preface of Kindle edition" according to K. Busby. This was one of my favorites of Heinlein's juveniles as I was growing up, and I still enjoy re-reading it as an adult. I introduced it to my son, who has told me it is his favorite Heinlein novel. He plans to introduce it to his daughter, who will be ready for it in the next few years. Like almost all of Heinlein's works, the writing is timeless. While some of the ideas of technology are obviously not in line with subsequent advances (such as interoffice mail delivered through pneumatic tubes instead of electronically), Heinlein's ability to breathe life into the people is the focu