M.F.K. Fisher's Provence
Author | : | |
Rating | : | 4.29 (970 Votes) |
Asin | : | 1619028263 |
Format Type | : | paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 192 Pages |
Publish Date | : | 2016-05-06 |
Language | : | English |
The book highlights her strong sense of place - Fisher’s Celtic eye for detail - with a comparison of Aix-en-Provence, a university town, the site of an international music festival and the former capital of Provence, and Marseille, the port town.Fisher’s description of the sights and smells belonging to an Aix bakery shop window is her Platonic ideal of a bakery shop to be found anywhere in France, for example, with its delicately layered” scents of fresh eggs, fresh sweet butter, grated butter, vanilla beans, old kirsch and newly ground almonds.”Then, there is her portrayal of the sounds of Aix’s fountains mixed with the music of Mozart during the town’s festival, leaving her bedazzled. In a letter to Fisher, Aileen would report back from Marseille: The eels and the prickly rascasse were exotique to my San Francisco eyes, the smells as pungent as you can get, and miracle of all miracles the men and women on the docks were exactly as you described them.”Thus, began a collaboration
Wonderful book Dummy Aileen Ah-Tye's photographic paean to MFK Fisher brings to life the author's words and her deep attachment to Provence. Through Ah-Tye's images, Fisher's world is evoked. The aromas of rosemary mingled with lavender or the scent of freshly baked bread; the luster of copper pans, slithery fish and burly fishmongers, waiters at attention, all come together in this book. It is a true jewel and we are thrilled to have it in our collection.. BK said Evocative and Engaging.. A wonderful combination of beautiful, evocative photographs by Ms. Ah Tye and excerpts from many of Fisher's classic essays that fully captures the spirit of Provence and Aix. If you've ever spent time in this part of France and wished you could bring some of that Provence magic back home with you, this is the book that will do that.. "MFK Fisher years ago and this book is a great addition to my collection of Fisher tomes" according to K. Schoeneman. I became besotted with MFK Fisher years ago and this book is a great addition to my collection of Fisher tomes. Miss Ah-Tye has captured Aix, Fisher's first abode in France, in a unique and valuable way. Her pictures provide a glimpse of what MFK saw and experienced while there.I recommend this book to fellow Fisher devotees.
"M.F.K. Fisher’s Provence is an essay and photo book that combines the words of the great food writer with images from photojournalist Aileen Ah-Tye. Fisher’s lyrical prose and scenes of everyday grace caught by Ah-Tye’s lens will remind readers of the cultural gentility that is France. The effort will leave you refreshed and inspired."Christian Science Monitor. The project sprang from the photographer’s desire to illustrate life in Provence as the writer experienced it