Just So Stories CD

Download * Just So Stories CD PDF by ^ Rudyard Kipling eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Just So Stories CD 12 short stories for kids--mostly tall tale answers to child-like questions Bernie Gourley “Just So Stories” is a collection of 12 children’s stories. The theme that runs through the dozen stories is that they are mostly tall-tale answers for questions that children might have. All but two of them focus on animals and nature, and the two divergent stories deal with the origin of written language. Since it’s such a small collection. Engineer Brent said Cash grab from the p

Just So Stories CD

Author :
Rating : 4.56 (578 Votes)
Asin : 0060788828
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 1 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-03-05
Language : English


This collection—beautifully performed by Boris Karloff—includes Kipling's Just So Stories (where we meet the animals when the world was new—so new, in fact, that the Rhinoceros had not yet losthis buttons!) and stories from his timeless classic, The Jungle Book.. Everyone knows Rudyard Kipling's animals are the ones most worthknowing anywhere

12 short stories for kids--mostly tall tale answers to child-like questions Bernie Gourley “Just So Stories” is a collection of 12 children’s stories. The theme that runs through the dozen stories is that they are mostly tall-tale answers for questions that children might have. All but two of them focus on animals and nature, and the two divergent stories deal with the origin of written language. Since it’s such a small collection. Engineer Brent said Cash grab from the public domain. My criticism is specific to the Kindle format: The "illustrations" are mostly photos and artwork that often have nothing (or little) to do with the text. The formatting is horrible with missing chapter titles. And then there are the many, many typos (presumably from faulty OCR) that indicate no one ever proof-read it. The only reason to pay for a public domain book. "A Beautiful Volume -- Not Suitable for Small Children" according to Amanda M.. This is a beautiful copy of Just So Stories. As others have mentioned, it is a small volume but the cover is embossed and the pages are gilded. The paper is thin--not due to cheapness but rather it is fine paper. It contains the original illustrations and their captions, and it is just lovely.I ordered this copy because I was unable to find the copy my grandfather

Just So stories include "How the Leopard Got His Spots" and "The Elephant's Child"; the "other stories" are tales from Kipling's The Jungle Book, including "Mowgli's Brothers." Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.. From Publishers Weekly HarperChildren's Audio continues its re-release rollout of classic backlist titles with Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories and Other Tales performed by the late British actor Boris Karloff