Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban (French Audio CD (2 MP3 Compact Discs) Edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) (French Edition)
Author | : | |
Rating | : | 4.83 (643 Votes) |
Asin | : | 0317456393 |
Format Type | : | paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 419 Pages |
Publish Date | : | 2013-12-10 |
Language | : | English |
New, reformatted edition in a beautiful slipcase.
"Great for French learners who love HP" according to Olivia. Purchased this Livre Audio (French language audio book) as a gift for a Harry Potter fan taking HS French Great for French learners who love HP Purchased this Livre Audio (French language audio book) as a gift for a Harry Potter fan taking HS French 3. The recordings are high quality with a native French speaker, so it makes following the familiar story easy. Because the story is familiar, you can perfect your ear and accent. If the mp3's are loaded onto an ipod, you can adjust the speed of the speech to make it easier to understand.. . The recordings are high quality with a native French speaker, so it makes following the familiar story easy. Because the story is familiar, you can perfect your ear and accent. If the mpGreat for French learners who love HP Purchased this Livre Audio (French language audio book) as a gift for a Harry Potter fan taking HS French 3. The recordings are high quality with a native French speaker, so it makes following the familiar story easy. Because the story is familiar, you can perfect your ear and accent. If the mp3's are loaded onto an ipod, you can adjust the speed of the speech to make it easier to understand.. 's are loaded onto an ipod, you can adjust the speed of the speech to make it easier to understand.. R. D. Terriere said Fun read. Great series to practice my French comprehension. I'll be sad when I'm finished with the series.. French the wizarding way D.S.B. I was thrilled to find the entire Harry Potter series in French. I have to learn a language for my degree requirements, and while everyone SWEARS that Spanish is more helpful, I just never liked it much. French is much more "romantic" (but rather nasally, don't you think?). What better way to learn of Romance than through the words of J.K. Rowling? I can't wait to quote passages back to my Harry Potter-obsessed friends.
Rowling écrit aussi pour les adultes, notamment des romans policiers sous le pseudonyme de Robert Galbraith. Lus et aimés dans le monde entier, les sept romans ont été traduits dans 79 langues, vendus à plus de 450 millions d'exemplaires, couronnés de nombreux prix littéraires et adaptés en 8 films à succès. Elle a signé par ailleurs le scénario du film inspiré des Animaux fantastiques, et
J.K. Pour ses services rendus à la littérature jeunesse, J.K. Rowling a lancé Pottermore, un site internet où les fans peuvent découvrir de nouveaux textes et s'immerger dans le monde des sorciers. En 2012, J.K. Rowling est l'auteur de Harry Potter, la saga de tous les records. Rowling a reçu des prix et récompenses prestigieux, dont l'ordre d'Officier de l'Empire britannique, la Légion d'honneur et le prix Hans Christian Andersen. Rowling a également publié trois ouvrages dans l'univers de Harry Potter, dont les droits d'auteur sont reversés à des uvres de bienfaisance : Le Quidditch à travers les âges, Les Animaux fantastiques, et Les Contes de Beedle le Barde. Rowling écrit aussi pour les adultes, notamment des romans policiers sous le pseudonyme de