Dont Sweat Small Stuff

[Richard Carlson] Á Dont Sweat Small Stuff ✓ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Dont Sweat Small Stuff Carlson reveals ways to make your actions more peaceful and caring, with the added benefit of making your life more calm and stress-free.. You can learn to put things into perspective by making the small daily changes Dr. Carlson suggests, including advice such as Choose your battles wisely; Remind yourself that when you die, your in box wont be empty; and Make peace with imperfection. With Dont Sweat the Small Stuffyoull also learn how to: * Live in the present moment * Let

Dont Sweat Small Stuff

Author :
Rating : 4.56 (898 Votes)
Asin : 0671315676
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 170 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-07-04
Language : English


Like Stairmasters, oat bran, and other things that are good for you, the meditations take discipline. Even so, some of the strategies are kind of fun: "Imagine the people in your life as tiny infants and as 100-year-old adults." The trouble is, once you start, it's hard to stop. Got a stress case in your life? Of course you do: "Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things all at once." Carlson's cheerful book aims to make us stop and smell--if not roses--whatever is sitting in front of our noses. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff offers 100 meditations designed to make you appreciate being alive, keep your emotions (especially anger and dissatisfaction) in proper perspective, and cherish other people as the unique miracles they are. It's an owner's ma

I absolutely love and cherish this book Petehog I absolutely love and cherish this book. This book has changed my life. By nature, I'm not an easy-going person. I'm very driven and ambitious and by nature, it's been a blessing and a curse as it's helped me in areas of my life but failed me in relationships and friendships. This book was a life-changer. Granted, I've read other books which talk about the same principles in this book, ie. The Bible, "How To Win Friends . Wrote for so many types of people. Jen I haven't read it all but I've read most of it. The 1st 3 pages & I was hooked. It's one of those books you can't sit down. I'm constantly saying YES, no kidding, how'd I forget that! I've believed in these things for a long time but it's a great read to get you teach you, get you back on the right road, or just a little reminder of things you've stored in the back of your mind. I recommend this for everyone because it c. "This is one of the most amazing books ever written to cure worry & anxiety" according to Expressed Reviews. There are 2 books that I consider to be the best ones ever written on the subject of worry and anxiety. The first is this one, and the other is "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living," by Dale Carnegie. They can be read together or each one can be read alone. I've reviewed Dale Carnegie's book elsewhere, so now for this book. It truly is amazing when words in a book can be life changing. That's exactly what this book is.

Carlson reveals ways to make your actions more peaceful and caring, with the added benefit of making your life more calm and stress-free.. You can learn to put things into perspective by making the small daily changes Dr. Carlson suggests, including advice such as "Choose your battles wisely"; "Remind yourself that when you die, your 'in' box won't be empty"; and "Make peace with imperfection." With Don't Sweat the Small Stuffyou'll also learn how to: * Live in the present moment * Let others have the glory at times * Lower your tolerance to stress * Trust your intuitions * Live each day as it might be