Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours

* Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours ↠ PDF Read by ! Tom Magliozzi, Ray Magliozzi eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours Whether they really help callers fix their transmissions is an open question, but the Car Talk guys certainly know how to transfix their listeners.. Now you can waste not one, not two, but four perfectly good hours listening to Car Talk Classics, featuring some of Tom and Rays favorite complete programs: everything from opening rant to bogus answers to eccentric closing credits]

Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours

Author :
Rating : 4.57 (648 Votes)
Asin : B015T76C0A
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 200 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-09-06
Language : English


Whether they really help callers fix their transmissions is an open question, but the Car Talk guys certainly know how to transfix their listeners.. Now you can waste not one, not two, but four perfectly good hours listening to Car Talk Classics, featuring some of Tom and Ray's favorite complete programs: everything from opening rant to bogus answers to eccentric closing credits

From NPR Came Something Good This is definitely From NPR Came Something Good R Seiber This is definitely 4 Good Hours of Tom & Ray Magliozzi's Car Talk but I can think of some others I like more.I don't think this is exactly a best of collection. That concept is always highly subjective of course.These are relevant classics even for serious fans and are very enjoyable.They are also, for me, a sad reminder of the National Public Radio that once was.There was a time when NPR was for EVERYONE, not just pseudo intellectual malcontents.Shows like Talk Of The Nation with its live open forum was a model of Democracy. Callers voiced their opinion freely on any issue.Gone, and not. Good Hours of Tom & Ray Magliozzi's Car Talk but I can think of some others I like more.I don't think this is exactly a best of collection. That concept is always highly subjective of course.These are relevant classics even for serious fans and are very enjoyable.They are also, for me, a sad reminder of the National Public Radio that once was.There was a time when NPR was for EVERYONE, not just pseudo intellectual malcontents.Shows like Talk Of The Nation with its live open forum was a model of Democracy. Callers voiced their opinion freely on any issue.Gone, and not. Guy Talk Mike Fitz I purchased this for my father who is losing his eyesight and looking for alternate entertainment to TV.A couple of guys talking cars. They know their subject and have that "front stoop" sense of humor thatlets you laugh while you learn. He enjoyed this a great deal.. katherine walston said Four Stars. Good campanion for long trips