Power to the People: The World of the Black Panthers
Author | : | |
Rating | : | 4.33 (533 Votes) |
Asin | : | 1419722409 |
Format Type | : | paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 256 Pages |
Publish Date | : | 2018-01-16 |
Language | : | English |
Published on the 50th anniversary of the party’s founding, Power to the People is the in-depth chronicle of the only radical political party in America to make a difference in the struggle for civil rights—the Black Panther Party.. Power to the People is a testament to their warm association: At its heart are Shames’s memorable images, accompanied by Seale’s colorful in-depth commentary culled from many hours of conversation. Admired, reviled, emulated, misunderstood, the Black Panther Party was one of the most creative and influential responses to racism and inequality in American history. Shames, a student at the University of California, Berkeley, first encountered and photographed Seale in April 1967 at an anti–Vietnam War rally. Seale became a mentor to Shames, and Shames, in turn, the most trusted photographer to the party, remained by Seale’s side through his campaign for m
The Black Panther Party is the most misunderstood organization in the USA. Freedom is what they want It has an interesting layout and includes the thoughts of many X Panthers. Great photos. Well worth the price. The Black Panther Party is the most misunderstood organization in the USA. Far too much is omitted when only reading the mainstream press -- omitted, distorted and blatantly lied about. Most Americans haven't the foggiest idea of their mission or how they intended to accomplish it. Freedom is a powerful concept.. R. Beckman said Five Stars. disappointed that there wasn't more on Fred Hampton and Illinois, but still a wonderful book.. Margaret Mead "Deh" said Five Stars. It was shipped quickly! It is a very interesting book!
"An important new book"