Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines

* Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines ✓ PDF Read by * Thomas H. Davenport, Julia Kirby eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines Anthony F. Branda said The Shift to the Augmentation Mindset! How To Save Your Career, Retool your skill sets and focus on the best places to add value. Did Steve Jobs and Alan Turing Read Davenport and Kirby’s book? They sure behaved as if they understood the principles in “Only Human’s Need Apply” as they practiced “Augmentation.”Tom Davenport’s book presents an outstanding, compelling, yet frightening case for everyone to pay more attention to automat

Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines

Author :
Rating : 4.68 (911 Votes)
Asin : B014PT1QYU
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 355 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-09-30
Language : English


Thomas H. Davenport is the President’s Distinguished Professor in Management and Information Technology at Babson College, the cofounder of the International Institute for Analytics, a fellow of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, and a senior advisor to Deloitte Analytics. She is the coauthor of Standing on the Sun: How the Explo

Brilliant technologies can now decide, learn, predict, and even comprehend much faster and more accurately than the human brain, and their progress is accelerating. An invigorating, thought-provoking, and positive look at the rise of automation that explores how professionals across industries can find sustainable careers in the near future.Nearly half of all working Americans could risk losing their jobs because of technology. Smart computers are demonstrating they are capable of making better decisions than humans. It’s not only blue-collar jobs at stake. Today, Era Two of automation continues to wash across the entire services-based economy that has replaced jobs in agriculture and manufacturing. The key is augmentation, utilizing technology to help humans work better, smarter, and faster. The choice is ours.. It’s both. Era Three, and the rise of AI, is dawning. Instea

Anthony F. Branda said The Shift to the Augmentation Mindset! How To Save Your Career, Retool your skill sets and focus on the best places to add value. Did Steve Jobs and Alan Turing Read Davenport and Kirby’s book? They sure behaved as if they understood the principles in “Only Human’s Need Apply” as they practiced “Augmentation.”Tom Davenport’s book presents an outstanding, compelling, yet frightening case for everyone to pay more attention to automation and the impact it has on our own jobs. This book is a must read for every one and yes I mean everyone in the workforce in all industries and all roles. This books arms the human reader with various navigation paths to ensure future employment. Davenport explores in a very com. Tom Redman said This is a terrific book, perhaps Davenport’s best and most important. This is a terrific book, perhaps Davenport’s best and most important. For this review, I’m picking out three things I especially like. First, is the notion of how AI penetrates business. Its proponents have been making extravagant claims about its potential for a good long while, and it is easy to be dismissive. But Davenport and Kirby offer a solid rationale and “means of diffusion” through which it can happen, and some solid advise on how managers can make it happen.Second, is the notion, and full explanation, of “augmentation.” I have, of course, seem the basic outline before. Here. D Ray said Identify your personal approach to dealing w technological change. If you're a techie, you probably already know this. Otherwise, this is a valuable and interesting review of areas of the economy/job market most likely to be affected (most are already affected) by constantly improving technology, the elephant in the room in the usual discussions of detrimental globalization. For me, the first few chapters conveyed the message that there are specific things individuals can do to enhance their own ability to cope with technological change. The rest of the book looks deeper into details of various tech areas and the impact on affected fields, from legal to assembly line to scientific and

Smart machines are going to change our work and our lives, and the sooner we begin to augment their capabilities, the more successful our economy will be. (Wall Street Journal)This badly needed and well-researched book makes a convincing and inspiring case that the challenges ahead could be a catalyst to help us achieve far more of our potential and, in the process, become much more human. The essential guide to this management revolution is Davenport and Kirby’s remarkable new book. Davenport and Kirby are correct: people will augment these tools, rather than be automated by them. It’s not enough to read this book; we need to act on it, now! (John Hagel, Chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge)The winners in the analytics revolution won’t simply replace human decision-making, they will augment it. It is a powerful call to action and provides a roadmap that we ignore at our peri