Bond Math: The Theory Behind the Formulas (Wiley Finance)

* Bond Math: The Theory Behind the Formulas (Wiley Finance) ↠ PDF Read by # Donald J. Smith eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Bond Math: The Theory Behind the Formulas (Wiley Finance) For the bond professional seeking a quick math reference, Bond Math provides that and so much more.. alone. This approach places calculations in context, and enables easier transition from theory to application. Clear and concise without sacrificing detail, this book helps readers to:Delineate the characteristics of different types of debt securitiesCalculate implied forward and spot rates and discount factorsWork with rates of return, yield statistics, and interest rate swapsUnderstand d

Bond Math: The Theory Behind the Formulas (Wiley Finance)

Author :
Rating : 4.64 (502 Votes)
Asin : B00MG2KNGG
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 542 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-05-28
Language : English


The author also includes the simple model to value floating-rate notes that is used in the Fixed-Income Valuation reading. Smith, a professor at Boston University and an experienced executive trainer, the text explores the ideas and assumptions behind commonly used statistics on risk and return for individual bonds as well as fixed income portfolios. From the Inside FlapIn clear and logical terms, the second edition of Bond Math offers an accessible resource for understanding the intricacies of bond calculations. The Bond Math approach puts calculations in context and enables an easier transition from theory to application. The new edition also includes an informative discussion of how the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009 has changed derivatives valuation. Designed to be more than s

For the bond professional seeking a quick math reference, Bond Math provides that and so much more.. alone. This approach places calculations in context, and enables easier transition from theory to application. Clear and concise without sacrificing detail, this book helps readers to:Delineate the characteristics of different types of debt securitiesCalculate implied forward and spot rates and discount factorsWork with rates of return, yield statistics, and interest rate swapsUnderstand duration-based risk measures, and moreMemorizing formulas is one thing, but really learning how to mentally approach the math behind bonds is something else entirely. A bond calculation quick reference, complete with context and application insightsBond Math is a quick and easy resource that puts the intricacies of bond calculations into a clear and logical order. This updated second edition includes popular Bloomberg pages used in fixed-income analysis, including the Yield and Spread Analysis page, plus a companion website complete with an Online Workbook of multiple choice questions and answers and spreadsheet exercises. This simple, readable guide provi

Complete Guide to Fixed Income: From Bond Basics to CFA Level Concepts I work in Fixed Income, but this was the first text that I have used to delve deeply into the subject the concepts and formulas that are so often discussed. This book covers everything from the basic bond math behind zero coupon bonds, which most traditional finance texts harp on, to the more complex ideas of floaters, swaps and fi. Five Stars Amazon Customer This book clearly include the concept and history of fixed income. It also covers CFA material well. "Excellent Resource" according to ka211. Bond Math is an excellent resource for learning the theory and math behind fixed income securities. It's clear, well written, and incorporates helpful real-world examples and problems that really help the reader grasp the concepts and formulas. Also very helpful are the online problem sets (with detailed answers that walk through h

SMITH is an associate professor of finance at the School of Management, Boston University. Smith specializes in teaching fixed-income markets and risk management courses and has published widely in academic and trade journals, including the Financial Analysts Journal; Journal of Finance; Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking; Journal of Fixed Income; Journal of Financial Engineering; and many others.. DONALD